Padang mountain

Archaeological research at the site of Mount Padang raises a presumption that the site is built by four different cultures.

University of Indonesia archaeologist who joined in Independent Research Team Mount Padang, Ali Akbar, said it is based on the results of geological analysis plus latest excavation until July 2013.

Previously suspected, Mount Padang is not just a mountain, but also keep a track of civilization in the form of magnificent buildings in it.

Based on new research, Ali says that Mount Padang just not actually save the building, but also save a lot of archaeological remains from four different civilizations.

There are four layers of culture at Mount Padang. Each cultural layer consists of rocks that are separated by a layer of soil.

The first cultural layer contained to a depth of 2 meters. Carbon dating of archaeological research and based on the rocks in the layer reveals that the cultural layer showing the 500 BCE (BCE).

"The second cultural layer of older age , can be up to 5,900 BC," Ali said when contacted.

While the third and fourth layers of culture revealed by tomographic analysis, the analysis is based on the difference in the propagation of sound when through a different medium.

Based on the tomographic analysis, said there is room the older part of the building, estimated to be 10,000 years old.

Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, a geologist at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, said that it could have known of the existence of zones with low speed of sound, refer to the empty space that is not filled with rocks.

Ali said, "The site of Mount Padang is a site built, abandoned, and then visited again and rebuild their lives."

The first building is the oldest, 10,000 years ago. The building used to worship the forces of nature. According to Ali , because of the catastrophic earthquakes, and then left the society of the time.

"But because the area around the site of Mount Padang is good, then the public and then back again,"  Ali said.

When he returned, residents and create a new building on the old building. Old building first coated with soil. Layer of soil that is found through research is between layers of rock.

According to Ali, it is clearly a layer of soil that deliberately collected for the foundation of a new building.

The use of land for building layers prevalent. "Prambanan and Borobudur also coated the ground. At Prambanan, the soil can be 12 meters. Wherever Borobudur 8 meters," Ali said.

Thus, if conceivable, site of Mount Padang is vertically alternating between rock and soil.

At a depth of 2 meters, between the first and second layers of culture there is land. Then there is also a layer of soil at a depth of 5 meters, separate the two and three layers of culture. Lastly, there is a layer of soil between three and four layers of culture.

Comment on the interpretation of Ali, Siswanto, researchers from Yogyakarta Archaeological Center, said that not just any rock layers can be regarded as a cultural layer.

"If you want to say cultural layer, so there must be a human touch," Siswanto said. Traces can be a piece of rock culture that is distinctly different between the pieces and the pieces of human nature. Pieces of nature, for example, has a severe wound because certain tools.

While geologists of EMR, Awang Harun Satyana, tomography revealed that the interpretation of the results needs to be strengthened further.

He said, a zone with a slow speed of sound does not always indicate the presence of man-made space in the soil. Possible existence of space, but it could be in the form of caves that are natural formations.

Awang also criticized the carbon dating method. He said, the sample must be accurate so that an accurate analysis. In geology, the researchers took samples often less precise form of the ancient wood. Thus, not surprisingly, a very old age.
