Bogor - School holidays will arrive soon, how to plan your trip? Mekarsari has prepared exciting event titled 'Mekarsari Farmers Market' for a family vacation.

Mekarsari Farmers Market is a thematic event that made the school holidays Mekarsari. The event will run from 22 June to 7 July 2013.

"With the ongoing activities of the Farmers Market are expected to know the diversity of fruit of the archipelago and the love of local fruit," said Putri Ayu Pratami, Public Relations Manager Mekarsari in the release to us, Monday (06/17/2013).

Coming to there, tourists can see the fruit bazaar-like archipelago of traditional markets. More specials, merchants in the bazaar is the farmer directly.

The plan, fruit bazaar will be attended by 20 participants. They consist of growers of fruits, vegetables, root crops, fruit merchants, provincial agriculture departments, educational institutions and manufacturers of processed fruit.

Not only that, a variety of exciting programs also prepared Mekarsari. One is the Show Room Plant. A variety of unique plants, rare and superior plants belonging exclusively exhibited Mekarsari, complete with plant taxonomy. Savor the fruit will also be communicated to every visitor.

For travelers who like to maintain orchids, Show Room Plants also showcased orchids. Fruit and vegetable seeds can also tourists here.

Unique Indonesia also be one of the programs that exist in Mekarsari Farmers Market. This is one of those places you come across a variety of Indonesian fruit.

Well, specifically kindergarten, elementary school or another child with a maximum height of 120 cm, can come to Clown Market. This is the fruit market special little visitors. While shopping, you can also invite baby pose with a mascot dressed traders Mekarsari fruit.

Clown Market also presents operetta and dance as additional entertainment for children. The plan, this program will be held on 22, 23, 29, June 30, 2013, and was divided into 3 sessions each date. Is divided into three sessions at 10:30, 13:30 and 16:00 pm.

In addition, there's more other exciting programs held Mekarsari, such as fruit show, fashion show fruit, fruit fun games, and culinary fruit archipelago. Still themed pieces, Mekasari crowded holiday event would add to this by holding the Jazz Goes to Market Fruit.