Balekambang beach in Malang, East Java may already be familiar to the ear partly traveler. This beach is famous for its natural beauty and stunning sunset. Let's get there!

I plan to travel to the area of Malang with my friends to fill a semester break. Additionally, this holiday is also intended to relieve stress after a semester exam.

I was traveling from Surabaya a distance of about 180 km. It might take roughly around 5 hours using two wheels. After passing through the city of Malang, we went straight to the south. No need to be confused to find directions to this beach, there are many directions to Balekambang Beach.

From Malang, Balekambang Beach takes about 2.5 hours. Although quite long, all will not be felt because of the way many treated to views of hills, mountains, forests and roads up and down.

When I got there, we immediately go to the beach location costs around Rp 15.000/orang. Equilibrium with all the beauty and pemandanganya.

Balekambang beach is the best location to see the sunrise. At that time, the red light golden sun will go down and disappear slowly.