Sidoarjo widely known for standing at this location Juanda International Airport. Not far from the airport stands a very large temple and graceful. This temple is visited by many tourists.

Juanda name reminds us of the name of the international airport, so one of the entrances to Surabaya. However, we traveled up the show this time is not going to visit the Juanda airport. But visited a temple in Sidoarjo which became a place of worship of Hindus in East Java.

Yes, the purpose of our visit to the temple this time Siddhi Amertha Jala, Juanda, Sidoarjo. Like the Hindu holy building in other places, the temple is located at Juanda also looks very big and beautiful.

This temple is approximately 2 kilometers from Juanda International Airport, Sidoarjo. Along Jalan Juanda, traveler will find food stalls and vendor booths with a variety of ornamental plant equipment.

There are a lot of offices belonging Navy and Marine Corps there. There is also a gallery of batik and souvenirs typical of East Java. From the direction of Surabaya location of the temple is on the right Jalan Raya Juanda.

Before entering the temple site, a traveler will find that the church building is tucked next to the temple. There is a sign posted considerable temple on the edge of Jalan Juanda so traveler will not have to worry about getting lost when visiting this place.

When we visited there, called the Made seorang temple guards welcomed us courteously. Pak Made ask intents and purposes we visited the temple was very well maintained. We explain that we as tourists arrival. We were finally allowed to look around and take pictures of the Hindu holy building.

Pak Made explained that visitors (tourists) or Hindus who want to pray in the temple should wear œselendang Viru â € €?? first. This is a ritual before entering the temple rules Keep Amrita Siddhi.

Use yellow scarf also means an homage to Sang Hyang Widhi. Or there is another opinion that says the ordinance salute to someone of higher social status (king).

Before entering the temple, Hindus or traveler first sprinkled holy water on his head by stakeholders or worship leader. This is so that the people or visitors temple clean mind and focus on its original intentions.

When finished praying outside the temple, Hindus also sprinkled holy water three times. First holy water sprinkled meaningful to head home from praying hearts and minds of the people should be sacred.

Then drink the holy water which means that any oral or speech should later become holy people. The last one, holy water rubbed into a meaningful advance that any act or behavior people in the community would become sacred clean.

Party pengelolah Pura Jala Siddhi Amertha also provide an opportunity for the public to rent this place Hindus pray for other purposes. Some events can be held here such ceremony wedding receptions, parties and events other art performances, so says Pak Made.

"The agenda Pura Jala Siddhi Amertha classified as very solid," added Mr. Made. Organization Truna-Truni a youth organization formed in line with the founding of the temple is now increasingly accommodate the younger generation Hindus in this temple.

After the meet and greet and ask a lot of things about this temple to Pak Made, we finally said goodbye to continue the journey through the ancient sites in the area destinations Sedati, Sidoarjo.